Life Enrichment

Life Enrichment serves adults with complex support needs who desire options for, volunteer

experiences, and opportunities for personal achievement. These services benefit individuals who succeed in a

supported environment. We provide support in many different areas, including community

involvement, maintaining or improving communication and social relationships, and wellness. This includes

hands on help with personal care, dining, and opportunities in learning activities.

Satisfaction Survey Results:  Persons served, 93% satisfied.

Learning and Recreation

Life Enrichment weaves work and learning into individual's daily lives. Each day includes several learning bursts of focused activity toward specific learning objectives in the areas of human interaction, movement, and sensory experience. Individuals also have access to enriched opportunities for learning, such as dance or art class sponsored at The Lawrence Arts Center, music movement therapy, weekly trips to the Lawrence Public Library, and visits to local museums, galleries, and parks.

Daily Activities

Individuals are exposed to a variety of individual and small group learning experiences. A sample day includes pursuing hobbies, creating art, working, maintaining or improving independent skills, exercising, gardening, volunteering and touring local attractions and businesses. Work Enrichment promotes productive, self-affirming daily activities.


We provide essential skill training in support of individual Action Plans. Individuals may receive training in functional academics (reading and writing skills), self-care, personal and social adjustment, community awareness, leisure, recreation, and physical development.